Thursday, May 05, 2005

Computers and Floppies, and Hard Drives, Oh my!

We've been told by our Operations Department at work that new computers will be forthcoming. In fact, I actually have a date and time when my new system is to arrive. May 11th at 9:30 AM my brand spanking new baby is being delivered along with a geeky MIS dude to set that bugger up for me. I've been warned that the entire installation will take approximately 2 hours and that my person will be required to stick around for the first half hour after setup to provide valuable data pertaining to my individual needs. Like what? Am I going to have them reinstall all of the free non-regulation freeware that am currently wiping off my old computer? I think not.

My floppies are already full of information that will need to be scrubbed from the old dead carcass of my Compaq and added to the shiny new hard-drive that will arrive on Wednesday of next week. Floppies, yes, because our thouroughly modern company does not have CD-ROM drive that works among us. Sad, I know.

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