1. Most beneficial aspect of living with roommates: Someone else is there to empty the dishwasher when you don’t feel like it.
2. Worst thing about living with roommates: They see your dirty laundry (literal and figurative).
3. Most surprising old movie that I enjoyed watching: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, this movie was truly frightening, what a star turn for aging diva Bette Davis to play the sadomasochistic Baby Jane. I was happily surpriised to find this movie thoroughly horrorifying yet incredibley believable. Campy yet captivating.
4. Most surprising old book that I enjoyed reading: Psycho by Robert Bloch. It is NOTHING like the movie!!! I blasted through this book in two days and was turning the pages so fast to devour this story who’s villian bore very little resembelance to the Norman Bates created by Anthony Perkins. Both the movie and the book are masterpieces, but I wish when Gus Van Zandt made the movie he would have considered being truer to Bloch’s deranged antagonist. The Norman Bates in the book was not only eerie, but so much more interesting psychologically then what was portrayed in the movie.
5. Something that annoys you about yourself: I cannot wear earring for a long period of time because something about having the weight on my ears makes me feel congestion and I usually get a headache too.
6. Ordinary people in your family that you admire: My Great Uncle, who served in the American Army (tank division, I think) during WWII shortly after imigrating to American because things were so bad for Jews in his homeland of Germany. Also, my sister and my cousin because they are both teachers and have incredible patience that I am in awe of.
7. Bad habit from childhood that you’ve carried to adulthood: licking and biting my lips (I apply lipstick/gloss habitually)
8. An aspect of your personality you are proud of: I am most proud of my ability to look at problems from a variety of viewpoints and try to understand where people are coming from. Plus I think I am more solution oriented then seeking to place blame when things go wrong.
9. Something you are surprised you haven’t done yet in your life: Take my scuba diving lessons. I received the gift certificate 2 years ago and still have not carved out enough time in my schedule to take the classes…I am horrible!
10. Something you are surprised you have already done in your life: Still living in Los Angeles, I thought after college I would move back to my hometown, but I’ve now been in the City of Angels for over a decadea and can’t really imagine living anywhere else anytime soon.
11. Favorite old cartoon: I was a HUGE fan of Heathcliff (I can still sing the entire theme song to the cartoon…and yes, I am very proud of it..lol).
12. Favorite boardgame: It used to be LIFE, but has recently changed to Scrabble. Even though I don’t play often, I love boardgames!
13. Secret special way you reward yourself when you have accomplished a goal: Well now, I can’t tell you because then it wouldn’t be a secret!
14. How do you make a difference in the world each day: I recycle cans and bottles at my workplace and give them to people near my home who are collecting recycling. I also try to walk to lunch or bring my lunch to work since my commute requires me to drive for an hour each way.
15. When was the last time you drank TANG: About ten years ago in college I drank TANG everyday, so I guess it’s been awhile.